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Bridal Showers: Girls pre wedding party

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Bridal Showers are the big girls pre wedding party. Usually hosted by mom, sister, close friends, maid of honor, or the bridesmaids. It is a celebration to honor the bride with close friends and family. The purpose of the party is to shower the bride with presents and good wishes of encouragement. It’s about having a good time, fun and celebrate the bride on the new journey she is about to take.  It is an exciting and emotional time for all those involved.

Bridal showers have been around for a while. I didn’t know this but apparently bridal showers date back to 16th century. Yes for that long! Back in those days, people close to the bride did their bit to fund the wedding.  Now days is all about having a good time before the big day and making a memory that will last for years to come. Showers are more informal but should be consider just as important as the other pre wedding events. Some showers can be held at a venue such as restaurants, and some showers can be held at somebody’s home.

But wherever the shower is held, it’s an event where the host puts a lot of time and thought into it, as a token of love and appreciation for the bride.  If I had to plan my best friend’s bridal shower, I would consider a girly setting decorated in a style that resembles her own personality. Balloons, fresh flowers, beautiful fruit, mimosas and sweet pastries.

The time line of this event should be somewhere after the engagement and before the wedding. I would say two to three months before the wedding so it’s not too close to the other pre wedding events.

Not matter how or where you decide to host your bridal shower, just make it fun and special. Fun games, yummy foods, and lots of laughter.  Bridal showers are a one time in a lifetime event.

Make it a memory for the bride worth preserving.

For a free-no obligation bridal shower quote, contact us here.

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